Graphite is one of my worst enemies.
I always end up with more graphite smeared on my hands than on my actual paper.
But what bothered me the most was when all my graphite sketches got smeared together during my college classes. It made me hesitate to open my Strathmore sketchbook.
I was upset...
That my beautiful sketches were now graphite smudges. If someone wanted to look through my sketchbook they wouldn’t be able to see anything.
Years from now I wouldn’t be able to make heads or tails of my sketches.
So I tried...
To draw over my graphite with ink. I liked the results but I wasted a lot of ink in the process.
I wanted something more immediate that would still keep the sketches in tact.
Then I found...
An art hack video by HulloAlice on YouTube. In it she mentioned covering graphite sketches with watercolor.
I never thought of this before. It was one of those common sense things that I should have already figured out because I first learned to paint with watercolors by painting over my graphite sketches.
I tested...
Her art hack. I drew some hands from life. They were my hands.

I wanted to sketch from life as well as study hands. I may do more studies in the future.
I used a Cazoodle mechanical pencil. I found it on the ground one day. It looked so pretty that I kept it.
I also used my Faber-Castell watercolor pencils.
How did it work out?
It worked better than I imagined! My graphite did not smear and it makes my sketches look really pretty.

I have always wanted to have a colorful sketchbook, and watercoloring over graphite helps a ton.
Disclaimer:Â None of these are affiliate links. The links are just where I recommend buying the materials.

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