country interior style chicken farmhouse art

So many of you Peace Doves decorate your beautiful homes with prettyful paintings and decor items. My favorites have been the bright colorful homes with large colorful wall art, but also watercolor paintings because they are truly stunning.

So I thought, what if I make my own magical watercolor paintings so that y’all can have fun with every detail of your shabby chic country living lifestyle.

July is World Watercolor Month! I dunno when this gorgeous event was created. I just know that artists from around the world come together to paint with watercolors for the whole month. For the first time, I have decided to participate because what better way to say “WOW” than falling in love with the styling of wall art?

But I don't have a lot of watercolor paper. How can I make beautiful wall hangings for living rooms if I don’t have the right paper?

I decided to create my own watercolor ground. Watercolor ground is a primer that can be brushed onto many surfaces that emulates the look and feel of watercolor paper. This would help me create beautiful country home goods using all of the non watercolor paper I already have.

I searched high and low for watercolor ground online and found that both Qor and Daniel Smith sell it in small jars. I was overjoyed when I saw this, until I looked at the price tags.

Then I learned from randomly watching a Frugal Crafter video that watercolor ground is made up of some kind of acrylic base.

Acrylic base? The curiosity bug in me was born!

I hopped down a large magical rabbit hole hunting for a recipe on watercolor grounds. I was so desperate to enter the world of watercolor, that I read articles and comments searching for a winner in every respect. To my surprise, a Youtuber already figured it out.

Stencil-Art made a video answering my question. They tested their recipe using water based markers. They did very well to where I felt I found something that was totally the bomb. I needed to try it with actual watercolors.

DIY watercolor ground recipe

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