i know there are other types of glass paints. im pretty sure i remember reading in the cheap joes catalog that pebeo has a glass paint.
i didn’t buy flashe paint just because it can paint on glass, but it was a huge bonus in my purchasing decision.
dont paint thinly while painting on glass. my first attempt was very watered down in some areas. this made it difficult to varnish. i recommend painting with the consistency of flashe straight out of the tube.
if you’re painting in layers, let them completely dry between each layer. i was very impatient and didn’t do that, so my paint started to peel. i finally had to let the layers dry for the night before i continued.
use a matte varnish after about a week to seal the paint. this is super importante because you dont want the paint to chip off.
i dont think this paint is food safe or diswasher safe. so i dont recommend eating off of it.