I want to share more country makeover ideas in greater detail than I can in social media.
Decorating my farmhouse is such a prettyful thing for me to do because it is one of the few things that has kept me happy during this pandemic. I enjoy DIYing my own decor or just using my own art.
I felt my country village home decor ideas would also inspire y'all to decorate too! Y'all have been so kind to me on social media, so I thought posting regularly on my blogs again would help us get together more. 🥰
I have been working on two magical projects. One is a handwoven tapestry. The other is a DIY hanging shelf. I have several other planks of wood that I would like to DIY too.
Did I mention that this is scrap wood? 🤩
My prettyful bright colored country decor project is a wooden hanging shelf.
So cute! So happy!🍓🍓🍓 I am painting a small scrap wooden plank and it is already looking super magical. I started with a somewhat rainbow background that was painted on top of the gessoed plank.
I am painting the plank with acrylic paint and I used Blick Master gesso* as a ground. I am also just using small Loew Cornell paint brushes that I have had since high-school.
*not affiliate links
I’m putting strawberries and vines on top which is always so dreamy! 😍🥰
What better way to decorate my farmhouse living room than with my handwoven tapestries?
Such a happy room!!! 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿❤️❤️❤️ When I was in the fourth grade, I made my first ever tapestry in my fourth grade art class. I didn’t know that’s what we were making because I have the hardest time paying attention.
It wasn’t until I went home for Thanksgiving in 2016 that my mama showed me all the tapestries she made that I remembered that art project. My mama’s tapestries were beautifully made. 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿🤩✨✨✨ They have mega bright colors and relaxing patterns.
My little sister kept telling her about my old tapestry from way back when. I was super happy that my sis remembers all my art projects and obsessions.
These country boho housewarming ideas have been inspiring me to take my art in a fabulous direction.
Oh the colors together in my projects are wonderful 😍 They make me so happy. 🥰 Working on these projects has really made me want to channel a different style in my art.
During my first pottery class in college, I would glaze my pieces with folk art designs. I wasn’t intending for it to be folk art, but after my professor complimented my work and called it folk art, I googled what that meant and was like “well, this is folk art, huh?”.
But after getting told that folk art wasn’t “real art” I had to change up what I was doing. Thankfully I found a mentor on YouTube who taught me how to paint what I feel. That principle has been growing in my heart to where I finally feel comfortable to stop caring about people constantly telling me my art isn’t real art.
I am going back to my roots to decorate my magical boho country home.
When I was a little girl, my family once had these beautiful Nigerian dolls. They were of women who were holding buckets while wearing fabulously vivid colors. I luved those dolls so much more than barbie dolls.
Sadly those dolls are no longer in my family. While we no longer have them physically, they will forever be in my mind and my heart. I was raised seeing Nigerian art because my dad brought so many things from Nigeria when he immigrated here and after making regular visits there.
That combined with the art I would watch my mama make, and the art I saw frome my many Spanish classes, were indirect influences towards my overall artistic growth. I want to make art that channels all these influences and make prettyful folk art. My art journey is forever growing.
I hope to continue to make my amazing space, filled with uplifting feelings. 🤩🥰✨
- November 13, 2020

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